~Why am I always out of Motrin when I need it the most?
~The same goes for band aides... not that I needed those today. Of course not, I have 2 full boxes.
~Why must I fill out a form to verify that I feel safe in my own home when I am bringing in my feverish child to be seen for an ear infection?!
~One look in Sweet Pea's ears and I thought the doctor was going to turn me in for child abuse.
~Apparently, Sweet Pea's ears are full of wax despite my obsession with Q-tips.
~Yeah, I know Q-tips have been deemed evil, but I love them and constantly chase after my children with them.
~No matter, her ears were still full of wax and had to be flushed out. Good times.
Some thoughts that raced through my mind while I was at Urgent Care...
~Free Popsicles for the little ones... good.
~No Starbucks in sight... bad.
~104.2 degree fever... miserable.
~Motrin... lifesaver.
~Time to snuggle with my little girl... priceless.
~Copay... $25. (Gotta love health insurance!)
~Coughing kids are everywhere.
~As are the sounds of crying, whining, sick kids.
~If we didn't come in with the Swine Flu, odds are we were just exposed.... YUCK!
Look where I found Sweet Pea this evening. Asleep on the stairs. Sound asleep. Poor baby. I haven't seen her feeling this bad in a very long time. Here's hoping she is back to her happy, chatty self tomorrow!
Monday, you have not been kind to us... Tuesday, you can't come soon enough!