When Nurse Boy and I first got married, the medical field was battling HIV. More specifically: Running through their very own veins. Needle sticks were fairly common. I was being bombarded with articles in magazines and newspapers about nurses who found themselves HIV positive after an accidental needle stick.
I was a new wife to an inexperienced RN. My faith was new and fragile. My fear was huge and SEEMED bigger than my God. But, I did know that I need to pray for protection for my husband. Daily.
Then it happened. In 1998.
Nurse Boy came home after he accidentally stuck himself with a needle. It felt like my worst nightmare had come true when his patient tested positive for HIV the next day. Nurse Boy immediately started on the HIV cocktail. It made him tired, sick, and nauseous. He basically worked and slept. He was miserable. Plus, we were told we could not start a family for 6 months. He would be tested every other month until we reached the six month mark. If it did not show up in his blood work by then, we would be in the clear.
I was worried that my husband would contract the disease, that we would never be able to have children, and that my husband would not be able to lead a healthy life simply because he was caring for others who were sick. It didn't seem fair. These were REAL thoughts running through my head for six months. I put my trust in God, but still feared that my life wasn't going to play out as I had planned.
My point? HIV and AIDS are real! They affect more than you know, across the globe. This weekend my church hosted an amazing World Vision experience. An experience that "walks" you through the life of a real child in Africa. Their true stories are heart breaking. Not all of them are happy endings. HIV and AIDS are robbing children of their families, their homes, and their health.
I have always wanted to sponsor a child, but never felt that I had an extra $35 at the end of each month. I was humbled on Sunday. Of course we could sacrifice a meal out once a month! We sponsored little Witness. She is almost 3 and HIV is affecting her life on some level, not to mention the poverty stricken life she is living. I can't wait for my children to write her letters and pray for her and her family. It will help them stay focused on others and put their blessed life in perspective.
Plus, we can help her family afford some of the very things they need to survive. Just by sacrificing one meal out once a month. That really isn't even a sacrifice, when I really think about it!
I am NOT sharing this for a pat on the back. God is still dealing with me. We are trying to give back more every year, outside of our regular tithe. We are just being obedient. I know so many more of you are also giving back. More than I will ever know.
I am sharing this because there are so many children in need. Go check out worldvision.org for yourself. The children's needs are great, but they have lots of ways you can help out. They are in need of monthly gifts and are even thankful for one time gifts.
And, don't forget the power of prayer! They NEED your PRAYERS!
Thankfully, we are HIV free over here! Nurse Boy passed all of his blood tests with flying colors and we give God all of the glory! That was 11 years ago, but we are still so thankful that we are not personally facing this disease. However, we refuse to forget that it is out there to kill, steal, and destroy.
5 days ago
God bless you.
Isn't it amazing how witnessing something "first hand" (or somewhat first hand) can make such a difference in how you think and feel? I have witnessed something similar, yet different, but it definitely made a difference in my life.
You guys surely are "good people." I knew you were! That is a wonderful thing you are doing. :)
God Bless.
Wow...what an inspiring post. You're right...HIV is very real and affects so many people.
I sponsored a child through Compassion when I was in high school. I'd like to do it again and soon. I'm so worried about money these days, but last night, as I was climbing my stairs to go to bed, I thought about how I'd just turned on the heat, I was going up to a safe bed and there was a roof over my head. I'm so lucky. I need to remember that.
Thank you for the reminder.
(On an unrelated, and less serious note, my blog roll is fixed and up now!)
Wonderful post, Mrs. NB!
I've always thought of giving to one of these children's causes but have often wondered how much of the money is actually used to help the child, but I haven't really checked into that aspect of it. I am going to do so.
What a wonderful seed that $35 will be every month for Witness. Very informative post - stuff you don't think of. Glad Nurse Boy is okay and that you have a house full of kiddos!
Just another comment, Mrs. NB. It is so true that when we are not affected by something, such as HIV, we seldom think about it but your husband faces it every day and is so aware of it, hm? I'm so glad that he is okay and wasn't HIV positive. How different your lives would have been, hm?
I read many articles about the HIV epidemic in Africa and it is truly heartbreaking.
Thanks for sharing this with us. God Bless.
So heartfelt. And hard to realize that it affects people in our own lives in some way - just a few degrees away for each person.
Bless you for sponsoring Witness. Do share when you get an update!
That would have been so scary. So glad that he Mr. Nurse Boy is fine. I have wanted to sponsor a child for about 6 months now. I am praying that hubs will finally agree to it.
Praising God for the newest member of your family! I do love what the kids learn by sponsoring a child.
I can imagine how freaked out you must have been waiting for those results for Nurse Boy. I have had two friends involved in incidents (one needle stick and one spat on in the eye) but they aren't allowed to inquire about the other person, that would be an invasion of privacy or something so it's just 6 months of tests no matter what. I wasn't married to either of them and I was still freaked out for them.
Good on you for sponsoring a child! We have been sponsoring a child in Zimbabwe for many years now (he is the same age as our eldest) and we don't even miss the money. We write letters to our boy, and he write back. We send little gifts and we get a 'progress' report on him each year. The children talk about him and pray for him. It really is such a simple, rewarding thing to do.
How wonderful that things turned out the way they did for you and that you are passing the good along. Your post implied that nurses are not in as much danger today as they were 11 years ago. I hope that is the case. I will pass along the word about world vision.
Good for you! I have been sponsoring a child in poverty since I was in college. You are right. It is one dinner out, and not that much of a sacrifice for us here.
The AIDS epidemic in Africa is just so heartbreaking and surreal. Many children have lost both their parents to it. :'(
Oiy! That must have been a scary six months!
Good for you for sponsoring. We sponsor through Compassion (we love Compassion!). It's funny that you posted this today because I've been thinking it's time to sponsor another child. Compassion encourages penpalship (is that a word?). The child we sponsor now is Dylan's age and he writes to him. Kobe is approaching the age that Dylan was when we started. It's time to sponsor a friend for him.
Wow! What a scary ordeal. So glad y'all came through it alright and I know that was a tough time.
YAY for Witness! I know she is a precious little child of God and you are making a big impact on her life!
Praise God!! Awesome!!
So many emotions wrapped up in one post. Thank You. What a wonderful lesson your children are learning about the power of giving. :)
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