Mrs. Nurse Boy here.
Sigh. It is Monday. I am still catching up on my sleep from last week. Life is much better now, although I still find myself feeling a bit "wounded." Life is hard sometimes. I wish that wasn't true. Plus, any time I find myself in crisis mode, I find myself reevaluating everything around me.
Time for some randomness:
**My dad is doing AMAZING!! I am still in awe of all that God has done!!
** I hate this hot weather, yet I am not a fan of the cold and snow. Yes, I am picky. Spring and Fall will always have my vote for the perfect weather. A cool breeze would feel delightful right about now.
**I don't care to step foot in another ER for a very long time. Although, my kids were excited that they got to see our local police hard at work while they sat in the waiting room. They got to witness the police escorting a bloody, handcuffed woman into the front doors of the ER. They have been talking about it non-stop. Why was it at THAT moment in time that they decided to pay attention to everything around them? When I ask them about any important details in their lives, they are CLUELESS.
**Nurse Boy and I started leading a 6 week marriage class at church last week. I am so thankful for that man! He has always made our marriage a priority. I love it when we are working as a team... sometimes we are successful and sometimes we fail... but, we are a team and we are committed to sticking it out together.
**We only have 3 weeks until school starts! I can't even believe it!! How is that possible?
**Soccer season is also right around the corner. I love fall soccer!!
**I don't care to hear another knock-knock joke EVER again. None of them are funny and Sweet Pea's attempts are painful to listen to.
**I can't seem to get enough bing cherries or watermelon this summer... or stain stick for that matter! Here's hoping the boys still have some clothes without stains when school starts.
**July has been a TOUGH month for our family (for many reasons). I am sooo over it!! August can't get here soon enough!
**I am sooo thankful for happy, healthy kids. I am a bit of an overprotective mom, but life has a way of introducing them to reality. I pray that they are able to watch Nurse Boy and I cling to God during those tough times and learn from that. I wish I could protect them from the world. I wish people wouldn't disappoint them. I wish bad things wouldn't happen. BUT, we live in the world. We are not of the world, but we do live in it. Life is full of disappointments and unfair surprises. However, it is also full of hope. Hope in Jesus Christ. I pray every day that they are truly able to learn to put their hope and trust in Jesus as they walk through life. Even when life stinks.
**Although life has been pretty tough this summer, we are so blessed! When I focus on our blessings, my entire perspective changes.
Happy Monday!
Go ahead... count your blessings.
1 day ago
Praying for a wonderful August (with a few breezes!) for your family!
I so hope that August is better for you all!!
Life is a big stinky pile of poo sometimes... recognizing all that you have to be thankful for helps, though. :) I'm so glad your dad is doing good. I will be praying you guys have a FANTASTIC August and even grander months beyond that!
... oh, and now DB and I are having a friendly debate on whether or not 'grander' is actually a word. He said that's like saying 'gooder.' Humph. I really have no idea, but it does sound odd now that I'm re-reading it. *shrug*
Mrs Nurse Boy, I just want to reach through bloggy land and give you a big hug... or a few big hugs. The first one to say "I hate it that life sucks sometimes, I really do" the next to say "I'm so glad things are on the way up" another to say "I love your sweet family and I am praying for no more yuck stuff", another to say "I am excited about your ministry opportunity" and another 3 for you to pass on to your kids (I'm assuming you have a no hugging strangers rule) probably another one for Nurse Boy since you probably don't let him hug strangers either.
Mummy McTavish said it all! And so much funnier then I could have.
I felt inspired to send my missionary son part of a post that I hadn't finished yet. (He's in Topeka now) I thought it applied to me in July. Maybe it's universal, I'll go post it.
Big hug and may you continue to be blessed in this season of growth.
Sooo glad to hear that your dad is doing so great, Mrs. NB!! God is so awesome!!
Praying that your August is so much better, though it probably isn't going to be much cooler!
That is so great that you and the hubs are going to be teaching the marriage class. I looove passing on what we've learned through the years to others. I know you'll both do a great job!
I can hardly believe school is starting in 3 weeks here, too!!! My hubs is a private transporter for our local school district and I'm not looking forward to him being gone for 5-6 hours a day as Jaylon is getting more and more rambunctious! :-) BUT we'll make it!!
Stay cool!!! :-)
Sounds like there's been a lot of pressure around there. But remember, you can't make diamonds without pressure.Count your blessings indeed.
Hang in there! I hope your August is way better than your July and that your dad keeps improving!
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