~Poop On Jelly~

Our Family's Bitter/Sweet Life

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Feeling Proud... & Blessed!

Last week was the annual Open House at the boys' elementary school... otherwise known as take home ALL of the wonderful crap your kids have made all year and good luck figuring out what to do with all of it, cuz a good mom doesn't throw any of it away.

As I was going through the enormous pile of paper late into the evening, I came across a gem.  It was one of those moments when you know you must be doing something right as a parent, or that God is watching over your children.  For me, it is all God!  So I give Him all the glory as I share this simple little assignment that blessed me and my mommy heart.

Assignment:  Bio-Poem; All About Me!

Kind, caring, and athletic
Brother of Sweet Pea and Bruiser
Who loves ice cream, family, and brownies
Who feels smart, interested, and fantastic
Who needs friends, family, and God
Who fears criminals, guns, and knives
Who dreams of spreading God's word
Who would like to see where Jesus died, Statue of Liberty, and Mona Lisa
Who loves to eat pizza, mac-n-cheese, and brownies
Who wishes to be a missionary someday

Dimples is quite the young man.  His faith and love for the Lord is such a blessing!  I pray he never loses his faith, that it only becomes deeper and more meaningful to him.  I am so thankful for this young man!


Kmama said...

What a great kid!!

Rachel said...

Amazing kiddo - what a call on his life!

Mummy McTavish said...

What a precious young man. I know you are so proud of your kids and righly so... YAY for Dimples!

Suz said...

You deserve some of the credit too!
You are such a great mother!

I hope all is well

