~Poop On Jelly~

Our Family's Bitter/Sweet Life

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March Madness!

Mrs. Nurse Boy here.

It has been a very busy spring day over here in our neck of the woods...
or has it?

We couldn't play outside...

The swing set was frozen...

The grill refused to heat up...

Ah...but, every good mom has some tricks up her sleeve. I bought a couple of cookie decorating kits on clearance after Christmas. The cookies were already baked and the kids got to "color" them with markers. They really enjoyed this little activity, plus they had a yummy treat when they were finished.

Bruiser is my little artist...

And, Dimples? Well, he "ROCKS," just ask him! (At least that is what his cookie says.)

This weather has given a whole new meaning to March Madness. We are fighting off some cabin fever and I am wearing warm winter socks. (gasp!) My Spring pedicure is covered up and my sandals are tucked away. Between freezing rain, sleet, and snow, we are experiencing a break in our beautiful spring weather.

Come back, spring! Why have you forsaken me?


Boy Mom said...

We had a little of that this week as well. Then today it was almost to warm....March Madness indeed.

3 Peas in a Pod said...

AAAHHHH I really feel for you. I know snow isn't done with in NJ yet but at least in the spring it melts overnight. I'm preparing myself. It looks like the dead of winter at your house. Glad you had some craft tucked away.

Much love from NJ,

Sir Nottaguy-Imadad said...

Don't you just hate it when you think it's safe to put the winter stuff away, Mother Nature has other plans? I remember when we got six inches of snow on April 1. Some April Fools joke indeed.

Mummy McTavish said...

What? spring gone? I hope it comes back quickly, or you might need to get another spring pedi before anyone sees the first.

Jewel said...

My DH just got the woodburner going again when we got home from church, after us not using it for over a week but it is rainy and chilly here today, though no snow, thankfully. Spring really will get here....eventually, I promise! *smile* The heat from the woodburner feels soooooo good!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

No way! Snow? Where do you guys live again? Ugh! We had rain today, but nice weather yesterday. I am looking forward to the nicer weather. At least you made the best of the day!

Mother Mayhem said...

I'm on pins and needles. I can't remember if March came in like a lion or a lamb. EEK!