Mrs. Nurse Boy here.
This week officially marks the beginning of soccer season in our home. Dimples has been with the same coach since he was 4. I know what you are thinking...Who puts their 4 year old in a soccer league?! Please remember, he is our first born. Sweet Pea probably won't play a sport until the age of 13. (I kid, of course.)
Nurse Boy and I both played soccer and we just couldn't wait to watch our first born dominate the field. Or pick at the grass, as it were. Dimples is now 9 and takes after his talented soccer playing parents, if I do say so myself. Honestly, our talent was debatable. Dimple's talent is real.
We are pretty relaxed with the whole sports thing. We just want our kids to have fun, get some exercise, and learn about competition in a safe environment. If they discover a new talent or develop a life long passion for a sport, we consider that a bonus. We only let the boys play one sport at a time. Only once has Dimples challenged this thought and we stuck to our convictions. I mean, how many hours are there in a week? Not enough to play two sports during the same season, in my humble opinion.
This spring has brought on some challenges for Dimple's team regarding a consistent practice time. Apparently, many of the boys on his soccer team are also playing baseball. Baseball practice is already scheduled.
Last week we were sent multiple emails regarding possible practice nights and times. Poor Coach Dave. He is a talented soccer player in his own right and an uncle of one of the boys on the team. He volunteers to coach our little ones while his wife and infant daughter are at home. Each email he sent out seemed to uncover his growing frustration. Monday was no good for the baseball players. Tuesday was impossible for the baseball players. Wednesday is church night for many. No way could the baseball players make Thursday work. It slowly became clear what the baseball parents were thinking... Coach Dave, could you just sacrifice your Friday nights and schedule practice then?
Friday nights?! Really, parents?! This guys is a willing volunteer. Unlike us parents, he just might have a social life. Give this poor man a break! And, I can't help but to wonder if they think baseball is more important than soccer, since they are giving that sport their priority. So, why did they sign their kids up for soccer, anyway?
On Monday, we got the final email from Coach Dave. He finally settled on Tuesdays at 5PM. Take it, or leave it. (My words, not his. He was polite. I'm not feeling it.) This Saturday we will have our first practice at 9 AM and next week we will begin the Tuesday night practice schedule. He was checking to make sure this would work for everyone.
Nurse Boy immediately shot out this email to Coach Dave:
Saturday does not work for us. We like to watch TV on Saturday mornings. Dora the Explorer and Zach and Cody can't be missed. Plus, our DVR is not working. We would like to suggest Sunday morning at 3:00 AM. We could all park facing the field and turn on our brights.
See you Sunday,
Nurse Boy
OK, so I left out the part where Nurse Boy said he was joking. Coach Dave said he and his wife got a good laugh out of this email.
Poor coach. Here is hoping the season only gets better from here on out!
1 day ago
This is also our life right now-I am feeling it!
oh the poor coach, it's hard enough to organise a bunch of level headed adults to pick one time for something let alone a bunch of "soccer mum's" (or baseball mums as it may be).
That's the sort of cheeky email I would send, well done!
That is a hilarious note. It seems like that is how it always is for parents with more than one child -- always running all over.
If I have another child, I'm just forbidding them from being involved in anything but sitting on their butt and watching TV. Har!
Nurse Boy is a hoot! This is our first year for a team sport. In the past my kids have played soccer, t-ball, hockey, etc. at the YMCA. We haven't gotten the schedule yet for baseball but I know it's on Saturday mornings. I feel so badly for the coaches. I wanted to sign Kyle up for soccer but couldn't find where to do that. Certainly not doing both. That's for sure. Can you imagine 2 at once?
Much love from NJ,
My boys are practicing soccer in the snow this week, I feel your pain. Well, they do at least. Monday was 2 hours in a white out blizzard.
I am proud to say that my oldest two are great soccer players.
My 6 yr old wants to try baseball. I am all for it . I am, was, a softball player.
Good luck this season!
I love good coaches, parents amaze me,not always in good ways. Way to lighten up a tough situation Mr. Nurse boy.
That being said we're are baseball parents,gasp. We don't do two sports a season either. Scouts and baseball is hard enough to balance.
Loved the e-mail that your husband sent to Coach Dave. Totally made me laugh out loud. You two must be a hoot together!
Through the years of little leagues, practices, and games, I think the most important thing we can do as parents is retain our sense of humor. How else are we going to survive? :)
LMBO @ Nurse Boy's letter.
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